"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33)
For you died, and your life is now hidden in Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” Colossians 3:3-4
In our fast-paced and increasingly complex world, Hearts in Devotion brings welcome relief, rest, and renewed inspiration to meet whatever challenges you may be facing in your day-to-day experiences. The theme throughout this book points to the building of a loving relationship with the Lord. When we seek His Kingdom first, in surrender to His will, and allow Him to work in our lives, He will fulfill your deepest hearts desires.
Hearts in Devotion by Christine Gaeta, is a collection of original daily devotionals that seek to bring encouragement and inspiration, drawing readers into a deeper walk with the Lord. Relationship with God is the central part of our Christian lives. Seeking Him first every morning upon awakening is an important key in building strong faith, and loving relationship with God and others.
Daily devotional reading is powerful tool that can lift our spirits, re-energize our faith in the Lord, and strengthen our commitment to love, trust and serve Him day by day. It also helps us to know and to understand His will and purpose for our lives, individually and collectively as a church body. Oswald Chamber’s: My Utmost for His Highest, is one of the greatest devotionals of all time. I have read it many times throughout the years. The book Abiding in Christ by Andrew Murray is another classic devotional that has influenced and inspired me greatly. These and many other Christian authors have helped strengthen my faith, enabling me to experience some of the true riches that are found only in having a loving relationship with the Lord. The body of Christ is like a house that is being built stone upon stone, each member contributing to its growth, Jesus Himself being the Chief Cornerstone. Our part is to enter the work that began so long ago and continue to build upon the house until it’s completion. The one thing that I have come to realize in my creative endeavors, such as in writing or oil painting, is that God is not so much interested in receiving another book or great masterpiece of art, or anything else we can make or do. His main interest is in having a loving relationship with us. The Lord uses our creativity and gives inspiration to further His plans and purposes; creating beauty that draws people closer to Himself. He is pleased with our efforts, but these are secondary to the main importance of knowing Him and being known by Him. A book, a poem, a beautiful song or piece of art serve only as reflections of the Spirit and become a fruit of our faith. They are like the icing on a cake. The cake could represent our character which is what God is most interested in maturing; the cake needs to be baked before the icing can be added. As we learn to walk in step with the Lord, He will cause the fruits of our faith to appear effortlessly. I always like to think of the words of Andrew Murray who has said, "If the Lord has put a desire into your heart, you can be certain that He will fulfill it." As we give God first priority in our lives every day, the lily, that is your true divine nature, will appear in all its color and beauty in His perfect timing. My prayer and desire is that the book Hearts in Devotion will serve to help bring the readers fresh inspiration and draw them into a deeper and more loving relationship with the Lord.
Yours in His Abiding Love,
Christine Gaeta
"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Prov. 4:18
"He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new! Then He said, write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." Rev. 21:5
My devotional reading group, called Hearts in Devotion, began in 2005 when a girlfriend and I would get together every Friday afternoon and read A.W. Tozer. As time went by, more of our friends from Church (North Coast Calvary Chapel in Carlsbad), joined our reading group, and in a few years, H.I.D. grew to about 200 members who shared devotionals of the classic and modern Christian authors online. This book is a compilation of original devotionals that I wrote during that time.
Today, I live in Carlsbad, California, with my husband and our Maltese dog, Gioia.
I enjoy plein air art and working in my studio at home.
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